For Residential Work, click on "Creating Stained Glass"

Designers, fabricators and installers of ecclesiastical stained glass since the 1880's.  The permanent staff of certified journeymen specialize in traditional and contemporary liturgical design.  Highly skilled and experienced with large scale restorations, artistic replications and window renovations.  Works may be seen in over 1095 North American churches

St. Martin De Porres Church Poughkeepsie, NY

As trained Liturgical Designers, we are well versed in Church iconography and are able to help you create a theme in glass that reflects the devotions and traditions of your community. Whether you prefer depictions of Saints or more abstract themes that evoke a sense of prayer and worship, our creative staff develops original concepts for your windows. Each project is unique and carefully considered with the client or committee.  Consultations are offered without obligation so contact us and we would be happy to discuss your project with you.

Contact us @

Phone: (973) 772-5081
Fax:     (973) 772-0325

141 Wabash Avenue at Crooks Avenue
Clifton, New Jersey 07011

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